Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Grapefruits of Wrath!!!

Ok, so the title doesn't really have anything to do with the photo. But it was too good to pass up using after it was suggested to me by a friend. Am I going to give her credit here? No. Get your own blog, Ms. Glory Stealer.

Also, I've never read the Grapes of Wrath. I don't even know what it's about. What am I a librarian? I seem to get the impression that most kids read this in school as a requirement. I was probably relegated to coloring pictures of grapes in a coloring book while these kids were reading.

On to the photo...Which I was inspired to post by my friend Dawn. She gets a partial credit here because I'm terrified of her.

This, my friends, is Uncle Bob. (By marriage) He rocks out harder than any of the actual rock stars I know. (Do people still call them rock stars? That seems outdated. And yes I know rock stars, I AM a famous internet blogger after all) He plays a mean bass guitar and jams with his band all the time. This cat always has a grin on his face like he knows something we all don't, and I didn't need to prompt him at ALL to throw the devil horns in this photo. He's. just. That. Awesome.

First time I met him was at a cookout we were having at the new house. He showed up with a bunch of that side of the family and the first thing he asked me was, "Where can I plug in my amp?"

What??? No hello, no nice to finally meet you or hey lovely lawn, I bet you spend endless hours taking care of it because it's beautiful. Right to the jam session for Pops.

So he drags in a little amp and a bass, and his nephew comes in with a guitar. And they plug in at my kitchen table and start jamming. It was the funniest thing EVER.

Someone also made the mistake of telling them I was the vocalist in a band. They kept begging me to jam with them, but I had to decline. Those hot dogs aren't going to burn themselves! Besides, I don't think they were warned about what they were getting into asking me to sing...

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