Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Hey, look over here!! Your eyes don't deceive you!

Yup, I posted a new GoM photo. And to celebrate my release from priso-err, my return from a sabbatical in the Andes Mountains consulting Tibetan monks on the meaning of life (It's still 42 in case you were wondering) I've posted a photo with ACTUAL grapefruits!!

That's up to 25% of your daily allowance of vitamin C. You don't just learn here, you get healthy. Also, you can get in shape doing milk-jug curls and lots of push-ups out in the prison yard. That one was a freebie for you kids.

This is Jack. Who obviously has exquisite taste in clothing and bands. Jack is sporting part of the Fall collection from SWARM OF EYES. It's called Moth Skull, and it can be found for sale at http://swarmofeyes.com on the Merchandise page.

I have to point out that if you click on the picture and look at the larger version you can see a large pair of toe-nail clippers on the table. That's just gross. And who took this picture anyway? Did they not even bother to get their ass off the couch to take the photo? I don't have time to crop out your Glade candle and messy living room, people. Community service takes a LOT of time.

Thanks to Jack for making a brutal GoM face and for supporting my band, SWARM OF EYES. Now go buy a CD, kid.