Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Lady Tangelo of the Myst!!!

And now begins the start of something I was hoping for....people submitting their own photos of epic awesomeness of the acidic variety.

This is Lady Tangelo of the Myst with Joe Buck (solo artist and formerly of Hank Williams III).

As you can see, LTotM is VERY focused on concentrating her grapefruit energies and helping to contain the power of metal within her hand...

Actually...she kinda just looks bored.

Please send me your most best GoM picture for me to post and make fun, er, cherish. Take them with famous people. With hot chicks. With a sandwich in your hand. In famous places or trespassing on national monuments. Just make them fun.

Now I have no idea if my e-mail address is posted or not (what am I some kind of internets genius?) so let me know if you need it!!

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