Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Yes, yes, I know zombies are all the rage these days. But these gals were ahead of the game and were bringing their elegant zombiness to the San Diego ComicCon back in 2007.

I wish I could remember what they were pushing at the Con. Maybe a 50's Zombie Roller Derby team or something? If not, I JUST INVENTED THAT AND YOU CAN'T STEAL IT!!!

The Zombette (I just trademarked THAT too, so don't even try it) on the right is REALLY into it. I'm digging her enthusiasm. But the one on the left just sucks. That's so half-hearted why even bother? I might photoshop her out.

This is the second photo I've posted of the SDCC, and there will be many more to come. Because, hey, I have to fill this thing up with SOMETHING. But if you have never gone to this con and you are a comic/videogame/general nerdiness fan, you should try to make it. It's something to behold. From the stars to the people in costume to the sheer volume of things to see and do, it's pretty amazing.


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