Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Guess which one of us doesn't wash his black t-shirts in cold water?

Just kidding, we are metal-heads, we don't wash our t-shirts! We have our mothers do it while we play video games in our "apartment" in the basement of our parent's houses.

Ok, ok...that's not true. I didn't want to admit the truth because it's even more embarrassing than that. In reality, three of us are the House Bitch at home and we do the laundry...and cleaning...and cooking...etc.

Guess which one isn't married. I'll give you a hint: The gay looking one swishing around the highball glass like he's trying out for a part in Sex and the City 3.

This night was fraught with ossim and the crazy. I'll divulge more as I post follow up blogs about the evening of metal mayhem. I rarely get out these days, as I'm usually busy hiding from the paparazzi and counting my stacks of money. But a bunch of bands I'm friends with were playing a killer show and I had to get out and support them. I'll have some links and photos of them coming soon when I'm not as lazy.

This first picture consists of me, the devastatingly handsome one front left. Then George my guitarist and songwriter extraordinaire in Swarm of Eyes front right bringing the full on screaming Grapefruits of Metal pose. Back left is Jay, who lives in WI now and came to visit Boston for this show (one of the bands on the tour hailed from East bumfuck WI) and to see old friends. It's too bad he was so blistered drunk he needed these photos to remember ANY OF IT. Last but not least is my best friend of 22 years, Dana. More on him and the mayhem that ensued when he opened a carton of crazy that night in the next blog.

Oooooo....I really know how to make you want to come back for more, don't I?!?


  1. I never would have noticed that George's shirt was not in the None More Blacker category as the rest of you lads had you not pointed it out. Which is precisely why Stacy should ditch Clinton and have you on the show.

    I'm gonna go out on the limb and say Jay is probably the "Samantha" of your group if this were SATC 3: The Metal Edition. So long as it doesn't involve Liza Minelli -- or Tom Araya singing "Single Ladies" in stretch pants, I would pay to see that movie!

    Can't wait to read the next installment!

  2. Actually dude, the band you were referring to were from West Bumfuck, WI, but close enough!
